CareersFest2024 Resources

Main stage recordings

So #CareersFest2024 was pretty epic right?! Well whether you couldn’t be there live or you loved it so much you want to watch it all over again, here are the recordings for you.

Please remember that these are all the IP and protected by copyright of The Talent Cycle. They are not to be shared with anyone else inside or outside of your organisation.  A lot of people have given up their time to help run #CareersFest2024 and we won’t be able to continue to do that if people try to access resources without a ticket.

If you’ve not already seen it, the programme for the day showed all the great things happening all day and beyond.  And whether you were at the event live, catching up after or a mix of the two, we’d really appreciate your feedback.

Welcome and Keynote

Welcome to the day and explanation of how it all works by Caroline Green and then Keynote starts at 00:08:00.

Remember these are videos from the live event – breakout rooms no longer available.

Creative content which engages others

Huge thanks to our panellists Debbie Dymock, Lucy Sattler, Joanne Carrington and Rebecca Healy and for your reassurance…you don’t need to be a budding artist to be a good and creative careers professional!

What’s next for AI in careers work?

In this session our Founder, Caroline Green, was joined by panellists Chris Webb and Danny Mira in the UCAS studio for a lively discussion putting AI on trial.

Supporting the wellbeing of you and your clients

According to the feedback this session really resonated with viewers.  Thanks Jess Pieri for chairing the session and to our panellists, Carolyn Parry, Liane Hambly, Paula Thompson and Antony Adams….who had some interesting things to say about spaghetti bolognaise!

How to attract new talent and support the career management and development skills of individuals

The theme for this year was about longevity and in this session which touched on this more…not only how to attract new talent but how to retain that talent and support clients with their career management skills.  Huge thanks to our panellists Rish Baruah, Zoe Cullingworth, Jake Richings and Jamie Pywell.

Awards Celebration

Well….Chris Targett certainly brought the energy back in to this post lunch ‘slump’.  A brilliant opportunity to celebrate some of the AMAZING people working so tirelessly across the sector.  Huge congratulations again to everyone who was nominated and to our six winners.

The future of work

Huge thanks Jo Bishop and Lisa Tomkins for a fascinating discussion into the future of work and what that means for our clients.

Remember these are videos from the live event – breakout rooms no longer available.

What does the careers sector look like internationally?

Thanks Liz Lloyd for chairing the session and to our panellists, Ladi Mohammed-Chapman, Candy Ho, Dimitris Sampsonidis and Raza Abbas for taking #CareersFest2024 global and letting us know what is happening in the world of careers across the world.

Language and actions matter. Building an inclusive sector and supporting all our clients.

Huge thanks to Kate Nash, Emily Monsell-Holden and Zahara Chowdury for your valuable insights on inclusivity and to William E Donald, we were sorry not to have you there but did share some of your interesting thoughts on the topic.

Main Stage Chat

It’s fair to say that you were all blowing up the chat throughout the day!  You showed what a brilliant supportive community you all are and shared lots of great tips and resources.  If you missed it in the goodie bag, here is the link to that brilliant chat.


And don’t forget to check out the huge range of resources in the Resources Tent. We did say you only had till the end of November 2024 to do this but we’re feeling generous so you now have till the end of December 2024! When it comes to this tent, although the padlet itself will only last a month, you can always download/save any links from it to view at a later date and these specific resources can be shared with others if you wish.

Goodie Bag

In case you missed it, check out the Goodie bag for loads more great deals, exclusive discounts and freebies!  Please note these are all exclusively for ticket holders only.  Access to this is open till the end of December 2024.

What’s next for #CareersFest?

Sign up to the waitlist to be the first to hear about what is coming for #CareersFest and when.  We’ve got some very exciting things planned and you’ll want to be the first to know, for exclusive information and discounts!

Thanks again to our sponsors!